SAT Prep Case Study
How to Get Upper 99th-percentile Score when Tutor is not Available
S.K., at only 15 years of age, will be heading to college next year. He has excelled his entire life, and his parents have done everything in their power to aid him in his mission. Yet when it came to his SAT prep, there was a problem: they lived in Fort Worth, Texas, and his mother’s exhaustive search for a tutor or classroom course that could meet his needs came up empty.
He needed a way to translate his curiosity and hard work into higher scores, and the local environment didn’t seem to provide it. Fortunately, through online research, his mother was able to find Green Test Prep. As she explains:
“The first thing I want to say is that Anthony’s system really made a difference to our family because quality test prep is not offered in the area where we live. There are no good options for high achieving students. No choices for families. Your online program pushed my son to achieve. He was motivated to do the program. He goes to a regular school but when he was very young we had him tested. He was very bright and we put him in school at the age of 4 years old. He did very well and eventually started to take many advanced courses.”
“Last summer, he started to want to do some test prep, knowing he might want to sit for the SAT. We started to research options in our area. One big name test prep firm offered a class in the summer for students that wanted a 2200, but they needed 8 students and only 7 signed up, so they cancelled it. His school offered something, but he did not think that the class was at his level. So I got online and found Green Test Prep. I read the reviews and was particularly impressed by the money back guarantee. We signed up, he studied a lot over the summer, and he did very well. “
“Very well” might just be an understatement. He received a 2330 on his SAT – an upper 99th-percentile score and high enough to gain him admission to any school in the country – and he’s in line for a National Merit Scholarship after his performance on the SAT. Because of his diligent schoolwork, he started his prep with a 2050 – already a competitive score. But Green Test Prep was able to unlock his latent abilities, and his score went up by 280 points over two months of study plus a small bit of review before the test.
We’re lucky enough to work with thousands of students like S.K. from all over the world – students who have a drive to succeed, and simply need the tools necessary to translate their efforts and desires into amazing scores.
We asked S.K. to describe his experience with the program:
“I started to study in July and finished up in mid-September. I did a few hours a day and got as many lessons done as possible. Anthony helped me a lot. His program is so different than other programs. He taught me new things, like how listening to 60bpm music can enhance my studying. The program was full of interesting new ideas that kept me motivated. He taught me new things all of the time so I never got bored. It was easy to follow and I raised my score by more than 200 points. His humor was interesting too.”
“The thing I liked most about Green Test Prep was trying new things. The holistic ideas were new and prevented me from getting bored. No other program on the market does that. They are all monotonous and just have you take practice tests over and over. Anthony’s system is different and it works.”
S.K. was also pleased by the simple interface of the program, which eschews bells and whistles in favor of simple, text-based lessons that students can use anywhere at any time, and that force students to rely on their own efforts, rather than graphical interfaces, to provide deeper understanding:
“I’m not exposed to video games. I learn best by text, so this program suited me well. It was easy to follow and I never got bored. It was not difficult. It just takes some time. It really worked for me.”
His mother described her experience with the system itself:
“Anthony’s system is so important to families like ours because getting access to a great program like Anthony’s is hard depending on where you live. In a larger city there might be some 1-on-1 tutors or programs to go to but not here. Also, the program was convenient. To get this kind of quality test prep in the convenience of your own home is very good. I didn’t have to sit in traffic to take him somewhere all of the time. Finding something that works was so important to us.”
“He would study all summer with your program. He would go into his bedroom and close his door. Then, sometime later he would come out and was always happy. He was dedicated to it and it worked. It worked for him.”
Too many families are forced to sign up for sub-par SAT and ACT prep because they’re unaware of alternatives. They spend thousands of dollars on local tutors and classroom courses, working on someone else’s schedule and learning lessons that might not apply to their specific needs. Green Test Prep provides a way for any student to begin his or her prep immediately, on his or her own terms, and without relying on the expensive, inconvenient options in the environment that many times do not produce the desired results.
We asked S.K. what he’d tell another student thinking of using Green Test Prep:
“Anthony’s system improved my scores dramatically and he taught me a new way to learn and study. I learned new things every day. I never got bored. It was easy to use and convenient. I didn’t have to slow down and wait for anyone. I could go at my own pace. It raised my scores a lot and it worked for me.”
Whether you’re coming into the SAT with a 2050 or a 1050, Green Test Prep will show you new ways to learn, to study, and to master all the material and strategies necessary to revolutionize your score and your chances of college admission. We were thrilled to spend this time with S.K., and we’re just as excited to hear your success story when you’re finished with the program!
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