If you want to study for the new PSAT in October and only have a few weeks left to go:
1) Sign up for Green Test Prep and dive into the ACT side of the system
2) Begin the program as outlined, and after the first Diagnostic Test, focus in on your weakest areas
3) Skim the ACT curriculum for those weak areas and follow all of the instructions for all of those lessons as outlined
4) Move through as much of the curriculum as you possibly can, realizing that daily, consistent study is ideal for obtaining the results that you want
5) Two weeks before the PSAT, go on the College Board website and download the 4 Free New SAT practice tests. Use these tests for extra practice to get familiar with the format that you will experience on test day
6) For the last two weeks, jog back and forth between the Green Test Prep ACT curriculum and the New SAT practice tests. This cross training will get your mind super prepped for the big day!
If you follow Anthony’s PSAT plan above, you will ready to absolutely master the new PSAT!