Is it bad to guess on the SAT?

Is it bad to guess on the SAT?

New SAT Notice: The content on this page refers to the Old SAT. For the most comprehensive information on the new test, we suggest you read our Guide to the New SAT or our guide ‘New SAT vs ACT’.

No! In fact, it’s bad NOT to guess on the SAT! On the old SAT, there was a penalty for getting a wrong answer. However, on the New SAT, there’s no longer a penalty you get 0 points whether you get a wrong answer or leave the problem blank – which means that you should NEVER leave a blank! Think about it: you have a ¼ chance of getting a point if you guess. You have a 0% chance of getting a point if you don’t. So guess guess guess! Also, at the end of each section, if you run out of time, make sure to fill in all the bubbles for problems you didn’t reach so that you can get a chance of scooping some extra points!

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